45 million people speak Spanish as their first language in the United States (without counting the illegal immigrants!). If the undocumented workers were also counted, the figure would undoubtedly rise. Now that the election day approaches in the USA, this figure shows the importance of the Hispanic voters, who may actually decide the election.
Both candidates have done something which is not uncommon in that country, advertising their campaigns in Spanish throughout the media (watch Obama's ad in Spanish), (there are 55 TV networks and more than 500 radio stations that broadcast in Spanish in the USA). They have also been very careful on the issue of immigration, which of course is very sensible to this large group.
But as El Pais (Spanish newspaper) reports (see article in Spanish), by year 2050 the USA could be the country with more Spanish-speaking people in the world, title hold now by Mexico with more than 100 million speakers. So the melting pot theory, which states that the USA is a country formed by immigrants coming from different cultures who use the same language (English) and form a new culture (The American) is rejected by this stunning figure.
Of course someone could argue that many of those Spanish-speaking people also speak English, but for most of them the language spoken at home and in their social groups remains Spanish.
So both candidates should draw more attention to this target group of voters in the final weeks of the campaigning stage or assume the consequences...
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